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For Jamaica to Succeed and Remain Relevant; Football Education Must Take the Lead

To believe any country, organization, group or club can develop intelligent football players without training and developing intelligent coaches and trainers, must be living in a dream world and need to wake up before the young football career dreamers becomes more aware of their own need and hindrance; here it is appropriate for us to mention that we are pleased with the top 50 FIFA rankings of the senior Reggae Boyz team, however the reservoir for the senior team needs to be properly educated an trained for the possible openings in England and other parts of Europe.
Local football fans and supporters have been very patient and believe everything our leaders tells us from time to time, but for them to continue to ask us to believe that football is in good hands, when we see that in 2002 the negative balance on the books was about $10M and move to somewhere in the region of $16M in late 2006, since them the negative balance skyrocket to over $300M, and we are been regularly assured that football is indeed in good hands, so we should continue to wait and support football without questions as usual.
Most of us will agree and pledge our continued support for the football leadership, which is necessary at this time, even though we cannot remain silent while the quality of play remain on a long term ebb, we now need to see our local football leadership begin to take massive action to introduce broad base support for football education as this is the only way out for many of our young potential elite footballers who can make a difference to football income on a very broad scale, and the time to start is now, and not later.
Learning to Relax and Manage Our Emotions Will Help Us Make Good Decisions Fast
In football, life and business Our ability to manage our emotions will in the long run determine whether or not we have a successful career as a coach a player or an entrepreneur; now since subject is football which as we know, require great skill and knowledge, many would be surprised to hear that knowledge and skills are of a lesser importance for successful high achievers and leaders whether in business life or sports.

Many research have shown that technical knowledge and skills accounts for some 15% of a person’s success and performance over time. Which means that far more important for one to be successful as a coach, is the human aspect: how well he is able to a) manage and control his emotions and b) how effective he can be managing relationships with others including peers and subordinates, in life and football understanding who we are as well as who we are working with can help to change the results we are getting.

Train Players to Express and Be Themselves
Life and Emotional Intelligence coaching supported by other behavioral discipline, combined with good and proper scientific and cutting edge world trend technical tactical and physical contents should be put together as the main guide to enhance player development in a more practical game of life specific manner, this approach will prepare both players and coaches to better manage their negative self-talk so that they can be more at ease and relaxed while playing their role and doing the best they can, the players on the other hand are the ones that will be on the field come game day therefore the regular training sessions lead by the coach should prepare them to make more judicious decisions faster,

They must be trained to rely on themselves more, which will make them more confident and better able to manage their own internal conflict negative self-talk that makes many of the world’s top performers in different disciplines choke on the big day even though physically they are well prepared but falls short mentally.

Why the Latin Brand of Football?
The speed of play and demands at the top of world football requires the players to be smart skillful and fast, therefore the telling as against training them the right way for them to make good game decisions is indeed the only way, this is why the most spectator friendly and the most successful brand, the Latin Style is recommended, bearing in mind that this very appealing brand will attract more businesses sponsorship and advertising dollars as we move toward the large spectator presence at games which is bound to revive whenever good football is been played locally on a consistent basis.
This is not an exercise in futility, nor is it design to create expense for the federation in any way, we can start with what we have the FLEXIBLE people we have to begin NOW the new Football Education for Life and Football Development Program.

While we will agree that skills and knowledge remain very important to elite level performance and high-level coaching it is even more important to fully examine the possible impact of habits and attitude on performance

4 Reasons to Ponder and Act On

1. To show that football like any other craft can be taught, and with coaches having the right knowledge and skill can teach the game to anyone who is interested, at any age
2. That Players and Coaches who knows the fundamentals becomes easier to coach and will play better faster and make good decisions
3. That it doesn’t require any new money to start, once we agree with the objectives we can start with what and who we have once they are open and interested
4. That the primary roles of the intellectuals are to simplify the complex science and teaching methods on a continuous basis to ensure we remain relevant and on the cutting edge

Acknowledging and passing these ideas and suggestion to the relevant persons and authorities may be seen as still a kind way of saying dump this.
We Are Ready and Remain on Call to Help Get Things Moving ASAP

To respond to this article please contact Evan McKenzie (
The FIT Method
Phone:- 876 567 2383; 876 770 7567 FL Land L 876 934 2068
Improving The Quality, Marketability, and Esthetics
of Football, Through Coaching Education