SFW Academy – Club Leaders must be the First to React

Club Leaders must know enough about the Academy to be the first to react

The constant perpetual sustainability of the Project will be supported and assured by the Soccer Football Whisperer (High Performance Club Development Leadership) Academy that will train and certify its own pre-qualified faculty and club leadership consultants, who can be contacted from country lists on the website.

  • They are prior trained and experienced soccer/football educators at the top, with a background in two of the following areas… club administration, team management, coaching, scouting, refereeing, or playing at the international, professional, or league 1 level.
  • Pre-qualification for admission requires at least a 1st Degree in a related discipline, or proof of appropriately acceptable, equivalent, or alternative qualifications.
  • Five years of senior leadership or trainer experience in a sport-related field is a huge advantage.
  • The ideal candidates should be enthusiasts who are aspiring for a career expansion through the Academy.
  • Application should be sent by e-mail to: soccerfootballwhisperer@gmail.com.
  • Offline applications process and training will be established and handled by a Pro 3 Whisperer Academy Club Development Intervention Consultant Contractor in your country, at a later date, and will determine the feasibility and costs of offline access to the program.

The continuing enhancement of the Whisperer Club Development materials through the Academy is a big part of this Project, as it makes no pretense to be perfectly self-sufficient on its own over time, and so will be supported by the selected cadre of the most qualified, experienced, best thinkers and trainers for the development of High Performance Clubs.

The SFW Academy trained All-Pro Faculty and its Pro 1, 2, and 3 Club Development Consultants will ensure that the high-performance needs of all Clubs are uncovered, met, and satisfied.

The SFW Program covers the critical imperatives that are necessary for leading a successful high-performance club. While the Performance Management tools introduced in the manual are made user-friendly for the casual reader, the writing of the 100 Principles is high-pitched, having been discovered to be more technically challenging to be deflated to levels for general consumption.

The books and materials will demand studious effort from even the very experienced soccer/football educator seeking career advancement.

All aspirants wishing to enter the Academy Faculty or Club Development Leadership Consultants Training Program must satisfy the Whisperer’s required prerequisites.

The Project targets all Clubs and ambitious candidates who are already professionally qualified for the Academy’s tertiary-level self-training program.

However challenging, the concepts and curriculum are presented in a way that will ensure positive socio-cultural relationship adjustments with soccer/football clubs and teams, as well as effective socio-technical knowledge for collective intelligence and group changes that will quickly improve results at fledgling clubs, as well as the ones that have been highly successful before the advent of this Project.