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100 Soccer Principles for your Edutainment


The acquisition and reading of the book, “100 Principles for High Performance Soccer/Football Cub Development Leadership and Quality Control , available only from the Website, Amazon, or the Authorized Booksellers. It is an important prerequisite for training the Whisperer Academy Consultants for preparing Club Leaders to increase their effectiveness. The Consultants will be trained to maximize their now obviously needed service,to apply the rapid and intense Club and Leadership Needs Diagnostic Reviews that are required for the club Leadership Capacity Building, the Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS) Training Course and its  Implementation.

The book, which is the Whisperer Club Development Leadership and Quality Control Manual, provides the backdrop and a broad-based curriculum platform, for the SFW Academy Faculty Consultants to continuously develop new theories, research, and subject matter for the psycho -sociological, technical and tactical Leadership and Management of the High Performance Clubs.

 The book will provide valuable edutainment  along the way, but it is not a casual read and will require scholarly effort from even those with excellent pre-requisites, skills, qualifications, knowledge and competence to improve the manual. There are many ways in which it can be utilized in short, intense problem solving training workshops .

The most prepared and suitable of applicants will be admitted to the Academy as Faculty Consultants Trainers others will be applying to be Prepared as subject specialist Consultants;  the language  tends to be sometimes strenuous for the layman not interested in a career in Soccer/Football education and training,  A facilitating user-friendly  performance assessment tools are pulled from the book and assembled as the PMAS Workbook to assist in the hands on training, discussions and changes!

The Whisperer club development curriculum rubrics come with the additional bonus of tools to empower the Trained SFW Consultants to carry out the diagnostic reviews to develop the Club Leaders’ capacity in the critical areas of Club  Management, required to ensure the replication of championship teams in all the functional areas of the staff and team development.

The book is a critical keepsake for the clubs long after the training workshop.  The continuance of training will require subsequent follow up and periodic reviews of the relevant Principles, by the staff at the clubs. The Consultants will be available through the website to support the maintenance of a rich learning environment, within the Board room, in the academy, within the team, staff common room and among the club spectators.

This Workshop and the performance measuring materials will allow the club to quickly assess its present state and level of leadership, management, coaching, staff and player performance  The book and PMAS will not seek to replace current plans and activities at the club, but will rather enable, through its new methodologies, the enhancement of quality, attitudes, working relationships and a better understanding of the processes required to ensure higher performances at the soccer/football club.