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Be The Female Soccer CEO; Occupy The Club Board Room

“The FA Women in Leadership Program”, clearly indicates that FIFA is on the go with programming… but can female soccer/football leadership be any different from the men’s?

In 2015, the Football Association (FA) became aware of a lack of female representation in leadership roles, particularly in the boardroom. In order to address this imbalance, The FA outlined a two-point strategy to identify, support and mentor women with potential and commitment to hold board positions specifically in football. The Institute of Directors worked with The FA to design and deliver a ground-breaking, pragmatic and impactful leadership program. The project took place in 2017

Wisely, FIFA went further to welcome private enterprise participation.  So it is fair for the Whisperer to ask what about the state of affairs with the long standing men’s game. Currently, club leadership support for manager/coach sustainability of high performance is not prominent on the global agenda and available to all clubs at all levels, male or female. Therefore, there is a great need for independent enterprise to engage in the process, to ensure that all clubs have the least restrictive path to progress

FIFA along with the serious scholars of the game must now work together to cover all bases for the development of the high performance game. To see the similarities and the differences in perspectives from a new private sector enterprise, download a copy of the free read package.