
SFW Extra Time Project: consult//

Original price was: $275.00.Current price is: $200.00.



The entire SFW Extra Time Consultation Project is open to anyone, especially people in an official capacity at any club with a valid concern about high-performance soccer/football. You should contact the Soccer Football Whisperer directly on any social media platform or at…,, or directly on WhatsApp at 1- 954 743 7616. Contact us first.

You do not have to make any payment to subscribe or register. Just contact us to submit your desired consultation to receive your official approval notification.  Our response will request all relevant information for our staff to prepare for your SFW Extra-Time participation and consultation. A Project Plan Document with our response will include analysis, answers to your critical questions, high-performance information, and solutions for the problems identified.

Our first/initial consultancy charge is US $200. Follow-up consultation will be at the payment rate of US $100 per hour, as quoted with our payment instruction link to do so.

women soccer consultants

The  Soccer Football Whisperer and staff will be available for at least 2 hours for the first session.

Those requiring our consultative help must provide information by subscribing to the  Extra-Time Project Consult//…

*Please prepare a 10-minute description of the suspected issues and be prepared to answer short written or oral queries prior to starting.

*Recent videotapes of the least impressive and the most impressive halves of two games are required… one week ahead of the consultation.

The SFW evaluative and responsive summary will be prepared for the client to receive, upon payment for their consultation Project Document.

Arrangements for Zooming, FaceTime phone calls, exchanges of Video Tapes, or Team Viewer for interactive communication are options available for follow-up of the initial consultation. Personal visits for short-term on-site consultations at the club grounds can be negotiated whenever the Whisperer is in-country and available…

For personal contact consultation groups of no more than 15, may participate.  First copies of Materials and Resources for preparation of follow-up by self-study for unique club needs-related presentations are included to cover and support each session.

All sessions will be conducted in English. The Principal Contact requesting the service must provide an interpreter when required. Thirty minutes will be added to sessions to compensate for interpretation time.

Oral and audio-visual sessions may be arranged for video analysis of games, and consultative sessions with staff, specialists’ committees, coaches, and players can be included.

Resources within the 100 Principles Project and from other sources will be used to treat technical coaching, and administrative, psychological, and social performance issues of the club.

The club’s performance history, and its players’ resumes before joining, can be contemplated, researched, or supported by this consultancy.  Also, SFW tools are available for contemplating the veracity and quality of the evidence of a player’s prior performances, to assist in the club’s player evaluation, high-performance contribution, and selection process.




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