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Introduction to PMAS for Soccer Football

The S/FW PMAS will immediately set the new bench marks for measuring the performance of managers, coaches and players, and ultimately the success of club programs. It will also prove to be the catalysis for resolving numerous human relations management issues associated with coaching, that were hitherto, a huge gray area with little clarity on performance standards. It will also deliver new best practices and methodologies for ensuring replication of more consistent coaching and playing standards.

Unlike those organizations that can rely on their automated machines to create a product that can be assessed with standards defined by numbers, weight, form, lines and a single stated outcome/function, soccer/football, up until now, has been crudely assessed/evaluated by approximate comparisons, goal and points standing and the loudest subjective conclusions. Why did we lose after we outplayed them, had more possession more chances? What is it that makes us better than them or vice-versa? Were they really tough opponents, why? Did we make them into tough opponent…who knows?

While the human performance arguments steaming out of soccer/football will never cease, it appears that it was left up to the Soccer Football Whisperer to offer new ways to argue the points. And in so doing offer new insights and principles to manage, coach, play, measure, assess (internal) or evaluate (compare) performances of the beautiful game, the club management systems and the coaching staff professionalism.

The use of a Performance Management and Appraisals System (PMAS) is not new; it is a best practice for improving the big organizations’ chances of achieving performance efficiency on the way to meeting its clearly stated objectives; It is a must do for the management and indeed for businesses to be able to sustainably replicate high quality performance, and standardize desirable product outputs in order to survive by the decades.
The PMAS is not common or easily implemented in organizations or businesses that must rely heavily on the variable performances of its human resources, in a service or entertainment display environment. In fact performance management in soccer/football has clearly been a dark grey area, that has been skirted around, and why should anyone even bother about it if the arguments will never cease?

Apart from the Whisperer’s offer of the newly created culture changing performance assessment, intervention and remediation tools, a formatted system of performance management and appraisal has been adapted from a current initiative of the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) found on its public web site, and re-imagined for the fail-safe management of performance at Soccer/Football Clubs worldwide.

The inventiveness of the Whisperer tools will stand out to create a permanent change that will advance the performance of any soccer/football club, anywhere!

It is not conceivable that any stakeholder at a soccer/football club would feel that their responsible leaders could be so busy or dismissive, that they would not be interested in a book written for them, and that nothing between these covers could be of use to them. It is also fair to say that it is not conceivable that they will agree with everything without contemplation a contentious argument.

However, it is conceivable that some clubs will try to quietly keep the material for their sole purpose. Therefore, if not FIFA, then the FA, then Clubs and Coaches Association should step in to disseminate the material among their members, and advise them for damage control, where sections of the book may trigger discomfort in Management or Coaching by causing disruptive elements to be energized if they know they have the Whisperer information and material and their  clubs do not.