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A New Dawn in Soccer Club Management


a new dawnGrey Areas and Nuances in Developing High Performance Club, Players and Team

  • Enjoy the Whisperer’s Stories and reflect on the possible causative factors in the evolution of the Project

  • Engaging and Empowering Club Leaders to Support the Performance of Managers, Coaches and Players
  • Refreshing the Soccer/Football Board Members and staff for Technical & Business Development

This work will not be able to give the answers that will facilitate the comfort zone for anyone at the club. It focuses the football family on what in next that must be done to advance the sport of soccer/football. Therefore, it must be viewed as a seminal work that will initiate new levels of empowerment for club leaders to be able to command technical and tactical communications, and professionalize the levels of their supervisory relationships and to better understand the activities to be carried out by their technical staff. Poor communication may not be an issue or be applied to every club, but the new topics and tools being offered will surely improve the technical ability of the leadership team at clubs, to raise relevant issues and communicate a higher quality of expectations, and therefore, will help to initiate improvements in performance of their staff, on all levels.

It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that this project represents the point of departure for the immediate future thinking and re-engineering of soccer/football management, by the adoption of the Soccer Football Whisperer’s ‘Coaching by Principles’ with performance measurement and enhancement tools, and the Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS) for all coaches worldwide.

The principles once initiated will start to have their effects way before the ball and all the players are gathered in the same space for the new season. The principles begin with the identification and bridging of the gaping synopsis between the management’s ability to articulate their own program expectations, and the coaching staff capacity to respond accordingly to improve the game, and to eventually win a title.

The possibility of the principles allowing the unification of all the elements forming the entity with all the sources of energy flowing in the same direction, the gap between the leaders of leagues at the various levels can be considerably decreased…with obvious benefits for all stake holders.

Prior to the arrival of these principles, the average clubs have long sought their own solution…get a good coach and acquire proven players. Never has it been the rule to design, hone and own the curriculum that they can demand, monitor, measure and replicate to keep them successful. This has been pursued through the office of the coach and rightly so as the then existing best practice before this new approach that is now widely available.

While the office of the coach will still stand firmly, the Clubs will relish their new ability to ask the legitimate questions, and to effectively supervise and evaluate its own program, staff and players performances. This new empowerment of the boards is both timely and relevant. There will be welcome synergies and changes, but once it is accessed, it will never go away and will not ever be discounted by any progressive club leadership team.

The target of this elaborate work is the entities called the clubs, each of which will eventually own a copy!

Therefore, the onus is now on all coaches to quickly and quietly equip themselves by studying this new material to know what is on their horizon of new expectations in coaching. The intuitive helter-skelter that has persisted, even after the best available training is pursued, can now come to a peaceful rest.  Each coach can, by this means, be prepared to deal positively with this approaching increase in pressure to perform.  The coaches who are slow responders will have their services dispensed with more easily, in favor of those who are able to quickly understand and take advantage of this new perspective, and tools for ensuring replication of high performance …year after year at the clubs. This is an open opportunity to be a super high performance coach capable of stepping up and professionally handling these universally demanded changes.

The acquisition of this book offers the club leadership new performance measuring and quality control tools that will empower them with the cognitive and technical awareness to confidently enter the forbidden domain of the coaching enclave, and challenge the programming (wherever clubs are struggling to maximize results) in order to support the work of their personal service contractors…the coaches.

The tools will provide evidence of progress in the successful application of coaching and playing skills within a competitive environment, and allow for immediate remediation in both areas of performance.

Of course, nervous questions will be raised about the potential for this material to heighten and invigorate management interference within the coaching domain, that hither to has been jealously guarded. But since it is suspected that some coaches may be slow to get on board, this new empowerment is first handed to the clubs (boards). Coaches are best advised to continue with their best effort, but ensure they access, study, know, select, implement and practice with any of the material that is new for them; and above all, be the experts before the board/owners, now that there are clear, science based means to determine early, if the club is being underserved in programming and training.

No apology from the Whisperer will ever stop the conscientious board members from being intensely interested in this material. Coaches are better off becoming versed in these principles rather than feeling hard done by this seemingly audacious, and up to last week unexpected, broadside of their office, role, function and status.

The great clubs are already very serious about securing technical feedback from their coaching specialists who are implementing their nursery and youth programs. The top clubs will be the first ones to start fiddling with this material to make it better for them to meet new found objectives and strategies introduced in the technical and tactical methodologies. They will be slow to re-brand and re-issue whatever is synergized from this rich mixture for anyone else’s benefit… especially their competitors. Lesser clubs that are down the ranking will use a lot of time and resources in making sure that they themselves will be the last to benefit…strange. Yet they will all come along, so why not right now? It can’t be business as usual to keep changing personnel who may be over-coaching in the grids, while players are not seeing the big picture within the totality of the playing environment at the crucial moments (review the Whisperers Tactical Assault and Defending Maps already listed in the table of tools etc).

Without a doubt, once the Clubs become aware of this project, they will be immediately resetting their expectations and deliverables for the entire staff. At advent of the Whisperers’ instigated demands, awkward questions will begin to flow about high performance within the team. Absence of the show of collective intelligence, quality in bi-lateral competence and clinical accuracy and smoothness in pass execution by teams, will no longer be tolerated, and all Coaches will need to have the answers close to exactly as expounded in this text. 

Now that Club Leaders have the knowledge, the established qualitative benchmarks and tools to measure and interpret performance in all areas of club operation and individual player contribution, they will expect to see rapid expansion of high performance individual base skills repertoire, better preparing of specialists and the coaches honed goal. Talk of player information deficit analysis will become prominent in the new jargon and the sports media will shortly be sharpening and rephrasing their questions about what is not going on with the team preparation!