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Soccer Football Ambitious Players of the Next Wave will bring the Whisperer Manual to Training


This annotated youth version of the SFW Performance Management and Appraisal System Workbook is intended to get the critical elements for high-performance soccer football education delivered across coaching gaps, to players approaching the limits of their current learning environment.

The subscribers to the SFW Golden Youth, Transitioning Professionals and Youth Players Development Projects, who are confidently dedicated to becoming Whisperer Trained Professionals, have to take full responsibility for acquiring the available high-performance information and new best practices form this strongly recommended third sources.

They have to go beyond that which is demanded for a license to coach at any level, to benefit from a more divergent perspective in high-performance expectation, evaluation, and assessment at international benchmarks.  

The SFW seminal work, “100 Principles for High Performance Soccer Football Club Development Leadership [Coaching] and Quality Control” manual, is the motherboard platform that insists on the questions that must be answered by our profession, in order to move forward and upwards. Some ask if the game can be improved any further; such is the bemusement of the incumbent change agents of the game, that the book is instantly justified as it answers the questions with solid science-based solutions.

Every Profession boasts of its leading works that bring the purveyors to a common seat of learning 101, there after the synergies and divergence create the hybrid that will deliver new inventions, with more efficient and higher performances. Where is our cannon, and what is the most popular title that we all have last read in our quest to lead into the future for our game?

The current Players and those of the near future will continue to bring the magic, but they too must be the agents of high-performance formatting that will through tertiary studies, will produce a higher level of performance in all leagues.

The educated spectators are growing and are becoming weary of the recurring mediocrity. We now have to create more tools to pass to the youth to construct a new culture of sustainable high performance that we expect, anticipate and pay for… higher skills, less frolicking and more goals!  


3 thoughts on “Soccer Football Ambitious Players of the Next Wave will bring the Whisperer Manual to Training

  1. Does anyone have information about this site [url=][/url] ???

    1. Most definitely… please see the introductory interview of the author and the unique world titles “100 Principles for Soccer/Football Club Development Leadership and Quality Control”, and the 5 stars “Football Performance Management and Appraisal System Workbook”; they are also available on Amazon KDP. You have to own these to continue…. YOU WONT NEED LUCK!

    2. All you need to know is there… The Author is a graduate of Temple University in Phila. USA. An interview is on the Home Page and jokers don’t produce high value material under US copyright. It will be up for sale shortly. Good luck will not be needed if you grab it. Cheers. SFW

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