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SFW on Quantitative vs. Qualitative Performance Measures for Soccer Football

 A Gateway to Due Process for Manager/Coaches While Empowering Club Leadership… Win – Win!

The SFW Project focuses the Clubs on qualitative measures and moves ahead of the current technology of instant quantitative output data, which is valuable, impressive and already widely available for managers/coaches to focus their emphasis in team training for output of the gross motor skills. But, despite their usefulness, they are not deliberately related to any training in high performance club development leadership and quality control, that is clearly needed for supervision to upgrade the game… across borders and leagues around the world. Continue reading SFW on Quantitative vs. Qualitative Performance Measures for Soccer Football

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2017 Gold Cup Soccer Final


It was supposed to be the other way around well before the 88th minute. But could Bruce Arena’s ribbing comment about his feeling wheezy due to the advance of Jamaica to the CONCACAF Gold Cup final had something to do with it?

No, certainly not, but such ill-advised public expression will only bring out the patriotism and fierceness in the underdog, and will also brings out the otherwise silent observers who know that the US team was underprepared for the fight and lacked, like the Jamaicans, the information to produce high performance soccer/football in such a highly competitive environment. But it produced a great football game, long to be remembered by the Jamaicans and the US team, who got a feel of Bull Run and the Alamo together in one hell of a fight… never before seen between two friends.

The score was 2-1 in favor of the USA, but Jamaica won the moral victory, getting a couple of messy fingers on the flag pole of their favorite neighbor.

Should either team had the opportunity to be schooled by the Whisperer 100 Principles, the score margin would have been much wider, with the game outcome more likely to be in favor of the Jamaicans… with speed being the deciding factor.

They made no pretense about their ability or collective intelligence in attack, but instead defended their goal line, with a minimum of eight stone hearted individual talents, mostly instinctive, reactive but always courageous… with goalkeepers in the mold of the heroic Selwyn Murphy and Larry Constantine, pass Jamaican goalkeepers, the current Jamaican Goalkeeper is in the top 5 in the world. This is easier to emphasize when your team is the upstart that is FIFA ranked above 50.

The US played a more complex and slightly better organized traditional team game, but the JamaicanS replied with eleven individual contributors that were not embarrassed by their own series of unforced errors, as they sought to stay behind the ball, chase all day and late into the night; win it, give it back before the opponents were ready for it, chase again and win it again… doggedly.

This kind of mentality working for an entire half, build the euphoric mentality of greatness in the so called minnows…that is dangerous as the big team loses faith especially when they are also underprepared and in a strange game that creates an environment that they or their coaches are confounded by. What are they doing.., giving us back the ball when we are all out of position, to prove we can’t score?
The Whisperer’s own high performance information deficit analysis found both teams and many of the top teams around Europe, to be constantly in gross violation of dozens of the high performance principles identified by the Whisperer in the first unedited version edition of the book, “100 Principles for High Performance Soccer Football club Development Leadership and Quality Control”.

The Whisperer’s list of areas in which teams are sadly underserved in high performance information and the discipline it demands, is way too long… construction and receptions of attacking corners and throws, disuse of the flanks by failing to go for the goal line, insistence on fake formations, lack of three-sixty degrees awareness, consistent center of mass violations, unsafe-zone violation habit, nanoseconds absorption malaise, frequent tactile miss-calibration, senior players with under-developed skill fixation, non-option maintenance running, non-assistive controllable passing, low situational exploitation awareness, heading without purpose….

Could the absence a (Whisperer) Individual Player Qualitative Performance Assessment and Feedback Tool be the cause of all these oddities re-appearing at the professional level?.

This story can be further developed from any one game at any level, and will continue as the damming evidence mounts with the lack of collective intelligence i and advantageous reciprocation in team play, the lack of interested third party and back stopping support, over technical playing, running or dribbling away from viable options, failure to take the golden tap-in options, shooting into the obvious block, stopping forward motion on the non-kicking foot to kick at a running ball from behind, inability to slam grounders from the sitting or rolling ball, lack of bi-lateral competence, failure to pass, turning away from the sighted scanner in the attacking third who has a panoramic view of the goal area, the opposite flank and a viable plan, ignoring the viable one-on-one flank option to attack the center of mass to give away the ball in the process, defenders facilitating off-siding attackers, handling the opponent shoulder to no advantage, oblivious of impending shoulder charges about to be fairly applied…

These are only a few of the deterrence to good soccer/football, that club leaders should be aware of. If no one is viewing the game for these high performance violations, we will continue to develop great players, big fights and less team work.

So Club Leaders, will you go to my website and get the 100 Principles now, or should I continue alone to watch and cringe, while so many are celebrating the results gained from what is mostly the opponents lack of high-performance information, mis-informed, unsustainable, individual player dice rolling?

Eric U. Williams MEd, B.Sc., TT, SFW

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Purpose and Deliverables of the Soccer Football Whisperer Project


Who Need these Goods and Services?                                                                                                             Anyone who ever felt the need to  call for a  Manager/ Coaches  Association cum union,  to  extend their role into advocacy on behalf of their members will continue  to remain answerless without a legal framework supported by strong human relations management best practices, and applied evidence-based soccer/football performance science. Continue reading Purpose and Deliverables of the Soccer Football Whisperer Project

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Soccer Players Acquisition Decision Planning for ROI

The trying deliberations by board members and the Technical Committee to decide on the true (monetary or otherwise) value of players being recruited or purchased can now be shifted from a nightmare to a more realistic dream. Planning is required with the possibility of developing formulas to determine and standardize reasonable value or market/purchase prices, in contemplating to make cost-effective decisions when acquiring new players. Continue reading Soccer Players Acquisition Decision Planning for ROI

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Social, Technical, and Business Development Perspectives for Soccer Football

Engaging Fans, Maximizing Recruitment, and Returns on Investments (ROI)

This project hopes to be all inclusive and the Principles are intended to serve the development needs of the richest clubs at the top, down to the individual non-descripts rotating occasionally into weekend recreational pick-up games… they too can grow into big clubs with the same familiar story.  Continue reading Social, Technical, and Business Development Perspectives for Soccer Football

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Soccer Youth Programming and Impact Potential

While youth and age group coaches are already mindful of the importance of free-flow for enjoyment in practice, it is important for them to quickly accept that the timely imposition of precision is of eminent value to the core of the  conceptual philosophy of   the SFW Club Leadership  Academy. It is a  relatively new  program    development approach, and can only add to the enjoyment and build competitive passion. How much fun can be extracted if your tennis partner is unable to return the ball to maintain a rally? So the tools such as found in the Whisperer  skill ‘fixation’ system and others areas of the Project, will of necessity become strong permanent features on the rubrics of all the football academies. Continue reading Soccer Youth Programming and Impact Potential

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Requirements for Positive Soccer Manager Coach Effects

Coaches must get players to be able to consistently behave themselves in the appropriate ways in adjusting to the ball in ways that produce the standard expected result. A huge part of achieving a positive coaching effect is in the accurate selecting and training of nominated specialists to produce reliable objective results. Done properly or poorly, whatever is the true quality of the coaching effect will show up in the final results, and so the relevant coaching effectiveness processes must be known to the club leaders, well before the beginning of the season. Continue reading Requirements for Positive Soccer Manager Coach Effects

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Introduction to PMAS for Soccer Football

The S/FW PMAS will immediately set the new bench marks for measuring the performance of managers, coaches and players, and ultimately the success of club programs. It will also prove to be the catalysis for resolving numerous human relations management issues associated with coaching, that were hitherto, a huge gray area with little clarity on performance standards. It will also deliver new best practices and methodologies for ensuring replication of more consistent coaching and playing standards. Continue reading Introduction to PMAS for Soccer Football

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Nature of the 100 Principles for Soccer Football

Every club that has been consistently successful over many decades is already observing the majority of the Principles, whether or not they are consciously aware of it, or can describe it as presented by the Whisperer. They will confirm this assertion when confronted, so others are advised to never ‘kick against the prick’. This biblical expression will appear again in a Wilguard Gladiator safety product focus, advertising a special tool for protecting a personal item in the male version of the game. Lol is not appropriate here! Continue reading Nature of the 100 Principles for Soccer Football

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A New Dawn in Soccer Club Management


a new dawnGrey Areas and Nuances in Developing High Performance Club, Players and Team

  • Enjoy the Whisperer’s Stories and reflect on the possible causative factors in the evolution of the Project

  • Engaging and Empowering Club Leaders to Support the Performance of Managers, Coaches and Players
  • Refreshing the Soccer/Football Board Members and staff for Technical & Business Development

Continue reading A New Dawn in Soccer Club Management