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For Jamaica to Succeed and Remain Relevant; Football Education Must Take the Lead

To believe any country, organization, group or club can develop intelligent football players without training and developing intelligent coaches and trainers, must be living in a dream world and need to wake up before the young football career dreamers becomes more aware of their own need and hindrance; here it is appropriate for us to mention that we are pleased with the top 50 FIFA rankings of the senior Reggae Boyz team, however the reservoir for the senior team needs to be properly educated an trained for the possible openings in England and other parts of Europe. Continue reading For Jamaica to Succeed and Remain Relevant; Football Education Must Take the Lead

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Status Up-date on Football Development in Jamaica

The present crisis in local football may not be obvious [to] the majority, but the undeniable fact [is]that the Federation is in the deep. The problems are too numerous to detail here, but they may not be soberly taken as a challenge by any leader during this time. Who brought it here, or the reasons are truly not as important as finding workable solutions to ease the strain on the ailing organization, both technically and Administratively…and who knows, financially?
Continue reading Status Up-date on Football Development in Jamaica