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Press Release Up-Date: World Soccer Football Day Nov. 1

PRESS RELEASE TO THE GLOBAL SOCCER FOOTBALL FAMILY…WORLD SOCCER FOOTBALL DAY IS NOVEMBER 1                                                                             

And the celebrations are now continuing throughout November. This resolution is PASSED, as the positive responses have gone viral; please send it along to all the relevant contacts on your phones and mailing lists. 

November 1 is now World Soccer Football Day. This colossal event will have a sober start this year as most will be marking the occasion with just a 90-second toast, by the raising of water bottles among soccer/football friends, teammates, club members and fans. Of course, the taking and posting pictures on everyone’s social media accounts will signal a good permanent start…and yes, the hoopla Has begun; hundreds of pictures are coming in! Continue reading Press Release Up-Date: World Soccer Football Day Nov. 1

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November 1 is World Soccer Football Day

Press Release For All Media Houses

Friday, November 1 is World Soccer Football Day. To: The Entire Global Soccer Football Family… Sponsors and our Soccer Football Business Partners. 

This is already trending and going viral. Please send it along to all your soccer football friendly contacts on your phones and mailing lists. Continue reading November 1 is World Soccer Football Day

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Preparation for the High-Performance Interview Panelists and Potential Manager Coaches

Principle 37

Institutions, corporations, big businesses, medium sized entities, and Soccer Football Clubs that have succeeded in meeting their objectives, will not at any time deny the role that clinical staff selection played in their survival! Continue reading Preparation for the High-Performance Interview Panelists and Potential Manager Coaches

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Soccer/Football High Performance Club Qualitative Development Leadership Workshop

Table of Topics & Tools

The Soccer/Football Program material you are about to share was the intended Project for the Doctor of Education in Curriculum Development and Performance Evaluation Leadership …in Soccer/ Football. 

However, the Institution of Higher learning that was selected, decided at the Residency that its faculty would not be able to supervise such a Project, and recommended the submission of a different Proposal. Continue reading Soccer/Football High Performance Club Qualitative Development Leadership Workshop

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FIFA Womens World Cup 2019 and Soccer Consultants

Training New Consultants for Soccer Club Coaches and Academy Educators

womens world cupThe FIFA Womens World Cup 2019 offers a great opportunity for training soccer club coaching consultants. This will guide managers and their coaches to initiate higher qualitative performances for better results.

The Soccer Football Whisperer Academy is now registering Facility and Club Development Consultants. Requirements for admission can be found here. Academy admission steps and consultant’s certification process is shown here. Higher performance in soccer club coaching and improvement in results can be achieved. Teams that consistently and vigorously pursue the tenets of the 100 Principles can become successful. Continue reading FIFA Womens World Cup 2019 and Soccer Consultants

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The Soccer Club Has Been Provided With “Everything.”

So Why Can’t We Do Better?

Are all the possible resources at the soccer club really in place, and how is that decided… and can we sustain professional, social economical and technical viability, without the Soccer Football Whisperer’s 100 Principles?

No; our soccer club has a hard-core fan base within 3 miles, and there are three times as many casual spectators that would feel better if we won.

Most are located within 30 miles of our home ground, and the Government Census places them in a upper income middle class.

Continue reading The Soccer Club Has Been Provided With “Everything.”
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Preparation for Soccer/Football Coach Managers for National Senior Teams –

The Soccer Football Whisperer’s Consultative Exchange with a New National Soccer/Football Coach

The Whisperer’s discourse in this instance is relevant to all soccer coaches.

The client wrote the following after the first electronic meeting with the SFW to discuss programming and coaching support:

Continue reading Preparation for Soccer/Football Coach Managers for National Senior Teams –
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Soccer Football Development: Important Contributions By Fans And Sponsors

Soccer Football Whisperer, Corporate Intelligentsia, Sponsors, Fans and Players to the Rescue – It’s Now and Forever!

soccer football

Without an obviously evident collapse of the anticipated quality of performance, the paying fans and sponsors traditionally have no say, or more likely have nothing to say that is considered authentic and valued enough by soccer football clubs, to be sought after. Along with players, they are the next two most important contributors towards keeping the game alive. But how would clubs seek and respond to their players, fans and sponsors reactions as customer’s feedback. The fans, sponsors and players have a critical role to play in high performance club development. The question is “how?” This paradox is treated head-on in the recently published 100 Principles Manual delivered by the Soccer Football Whisperer.

Continue reading Soccer Football Development: Important Contributions By Fans And Sponsors
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Soccer Games Viewing – New Evidence Based Principles For Success In High Performance Soccer Coaching

We are using this opportunity to again thank our numerous readers for getting the full 100 Principles Manual. Also, those who are taking advantage of the individual Principles for the remediation of their most urgent concerns. They are reporting consistently positive improvements in their soccer games result.

Continue reading Soccer Games Viewing – New Evidence Based Principles For Success In High Performance Soccer Coaching