Invest Your Career in the SFW Academy



The cost of the SFW Academy Consultants Training Admission Packages includes the application, registration, and examination fees, as well as the self-training club leadership presentations (PP),  books, and materials. See the Handbook

This investment is minuscule when compared to the value of the Whisperer High-Performance Club Leadership materials, the soccer/football educators’ career advancement, and the monetization opportunity that will be available indefinitely to the successful applicants admitted to the Academy.  See how to monetize a Consultancy

Club Development Investment Strategy

But not only the aspiring Consultants will have a vested long-term interest in the project, books, and materials. So too will be the interested public, members of the soccer/football family, sponsors, and leaders of enterprising and futuristic clubs. They should also purchase the club development training packages to offer the opportunity for the present and upcoming potential club leaders, to get a head-start in scholarly preparation, for advancement of their careers through self-study of the Whisperer club development materials.

Despite their hard work and winning records, clubs will never approach high performance by operating outside the boundaries of these 100 Principles identified by the Whisperer, to be continuously advanced by the super qualified, experienced, and trained Consultants at the Academy. Therefore, it is the duty and responsibility of the FAs and club leaders to make sure their organizations participate fully in this revolutionary project by engaging a Consultant from the SFW Academy.

Changing the Performance Culture at the Club

The first step of the leader, when this alarm goes off, is to get copies of the 100 Principles to have a select technical and administrative committee of skeptics crawl through the Principles to determine where their organization stands on the Whisperer’s continuum of high-performance club development information deficit’…. This unknown deficit is calculated by dividing the number of ‘previously known and utilized constructs’ (say 76 or how many?) by the total number of ‘new plus the previously known viable constructs the club has identified from the book” (say 168 all toll?). The result is then multiplied by the standard of (100) for indicating the Club’s Whisperer High-Performance Information Deficit result; 45% in this hypothetical case, which of course is unacceptable.

It is important to note that the result indicates the Club’s cumulative score over 100 Principles and all departments and is not a true reflection of the manager coach’s performance.  It is not improbable that 40% of such a score could be earned by the Manager/coach and his staff at a failing club. A separation of Principles covering technical team performance to do a similar exercise would be warranted but not effective in generating a total change to a high-performance culture at the club.

The turning point in the club leadership empowerment begins immediately upon their review of the table of contents of the Whisperer Club Development Leadership Manual of 100 Principles, followed immediately by investing in copies for each of his senior staff. In a few days, the new Whisperer High-Performance Club Development leader will call an emergency meeting without an agenda, but instead a list of random Whisperer high-performance constructs:

Question: Have we been consciously doing these set of things and they have not worked for our club, and if not, then why not? Please prepare to submit a green paper indicating what you would like to try or implement for discussion at the next meeting for us to discuss the possibility of getting your suggestion guided through implementation by a Whisperer Consultant.


Notice of Admission for Consultants Training will be sent by e-mail to you from:

The SFW Academy opens June 30, 2018