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Critical Information For High Performance Soccer Football

Every decade or two, there comes to the fore a powerful literary work in each discipline, that is of undeniable seminal worth, with the uniqueness and high quality that all scholars and institutions will seek out to find consensus, as their common source of reference and departure. Often, such works enrich the current available literature with pointed focus that will move unusually difficult organizational development problems and topics, forward. They bring together and clarify the truisms of critical issues, and make the salient points for professional review available under one cover. They solve long standing problems, and by so doing often create new ones. But they will also stimulate fresh thoughts to create synergies from unexpected interplay that creates newness, challenge intellectualism and guide higher performances.

Availability And Access
Once upon a time, such works could sit in humble silence for years. However, those days are now gone, thanks to the rapid information deployment capabilities of the internet! Even so, there are still pockets of resistance within some clubs, institutions, academies and FAs, with leadership corps[e] that harbor ignorance, single minded ideology and inertia, while seeking to dominate and maintain individual comfort-ability. The beautiful game is huge and growing. It should not remain shrouded in any such a backward sliding scenario when the #SFW New Dawn Project is here…with some assets completely free of cost.

Unique And Permanent
The Soccer Football Whisperer Project and Academy is a stand-alone creation that will not go away any time soon. The main work of 100 Principles etc., is a book presented in a new interactive training format, that is expected to be used responsively to needs as soon as they arise at the clubs. The 464 pages are not expected to be followed in a linear order…or completely read in two weeks. The Discussion Prompters allow each club to design its own styled entity, guided by result certain adaptations within each Principle. This life-long soccer-football club leadership and professional career development manual gives numerous qualitative performance measurement, assessment and evaluation tools, for establishing the Whisperer Soccer Football Club Performance Management and Appraisal System that may not be properly ignored by any club bar none!

One way to extract values of relevance from this work is for Clubs Leaders and Manager Coaches to match their clubs’ known or suspected weak areas, against the Principles of their need or concern. The empowerment that is derived from this process is obvious, and improves leadership capacity in an instance. For any Club Officials or Football Educators to knowingly side-step this manual, it would be an abdication of the duty of due-care, diligence and the responsibility to lead. Read, get your club engaged, or risk loosing the fatal 5 in a row at home, and resignation!