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FIFA Womens World Cup 2019 and Soccer Consultants

Training New Consultants for Soccer Club Coaches and Academy Educators

womens world cupThe FIFA Womens World Cup 2019 offers a great opportunity for training soccer club coaching consultants. This will guide managers and their coaches to initiate higher qualitative performances for better results.

The Soccer Football Whisperer Academy is now registering Facility and Club Development Consultants. Requirements for admission can be found here. Academy admission steps and consultant’s certification process is shown here. Higher performance in soccer club coaching and improvement in results can be achieved. Teams that consistently and vigorously pursue the tenets of the 100 Principles can become successful.

Invitation to Register

The potential Independent Consultants are invited to register at the Soccer Football Academy. They will train club leaders and their staff in the use of new science-based soccer hand tools. This enables quick qualitative review and analysis on the progress of the team. Comparisons can be made against the backdrop and benchmarks of the Soccer Football Whisperer High Performance Manual. 

Leaders aspiring to become professional soccer/football educators should register and use the self-training materials offline. This will assist them to qualify and provide paid services as SFW Academy Faculty or Independent Club Development Leadership Consultants.

This call is in time for Soccer/Football Educators to equip themselves with tools to collect qualitative data. This will help to better understand, evaluate, and appreciate all aspects of the club. It will bring into focus lack of high-performance preparation of teams in the FIFA 2019 Womens World Cup in France…without leaving home!

Special Registration at the Academy in 2019

The Academy is admitting FA licensed or unlicensed functionaries. Special call out to those with extensive experience as club leaders, managers, coaches, technical committee members, scouts and intermediaries. All are required to have on their curriculum vitae proven technical knowledge of the game. They must satisfy the standard pre-requisites to be admitted. This is a novel Soccer/Football High Performance Club Development Leadership and Quality Control Training Institution.

The Whisperer Performance Management and Appraisal System and Evaluation Tools are not available from FIFA. All levels of club leaders, licensed managers and coaches are invited to apply. The successful applicants will also include experienced organizational development trainers with interest or career experience in the sport. These will include administrators, managers, coaches, topflight players who were team captains, football journal writers, FIFA or FA referees and others.

The FIFA Womens Word Cup 2019 Finalists Could Use Your Help Today!

The Project is currently recruiting to train professional consultants in the study. They will use the Whisperer club development materials directly at the clubs and National level. as club selected volunteers or paid consultants. Their familiarity with the material (100 Principles) will quickly assist them to offer new concepts for improving overall standards. Main emphasis is on managers, coaches, players and team performance ahead of the pending FIFA Womens World Cup 2019 Finals.

Further, they will ultimately use the said material with other resources to develop as advanced subject specialist. Consultants will be capable of designing new courses, based on their experience. This is in order to offer their colleague faculty members and others in the field paid training and upgrades.

Program Proliferation and Training for Widening the Out-reach of the Academy

women soccer consultantsSubject specialists will develop advanced courses to be offered in self-training format for sale from the Whisperer Website. The Consultants’ will use personalized, enhanced Whisperer Branded and approved, club development leadership special club needs-related self-training presentations.

The project has already secured the commitment of hundreds of club leaders from 73 countries. They have instantly recognized and appreciated the value of the 100 Principles and the Project Academy. It secures their own careers and clubs’ rapid high-performance development through this new methodology with such flexible access.

Complete Development of the Soccer Club Coaching Environment and Training Support – Handling the New Implementation Challenges

The Consultants will be trained to deliver on the Whisperer’s Promise. They will eventually market ‘their own translated versions and transference of synergies’, in soccer club coaching and development training. All Board members and their club staffs will need and want to access this Program. The club leaders have become aware of its unique and unassailable values. There has been no hesitation in setting the staff to work with this new mind setting and cultural training phenomenon.

Once implemented, the changes at the clubs will become effective and obvious. But it will be difficult to maintain if the PMAS is not professionally implemented. It is therefore recommended that clubs get an official Whisperer Academy Faculty or Club Consultant. Some clubs in dire need may access the Club Development Facilitator Package. This will expedite their own training with an in-house trainer.

This can be done successfully. The usual arguments, old agenda and sentiments will become self-defeating by getting in the way to progress. Outside support is the 101st Principle!

To do otherwise would also be defeating the effort of the certified and authorized Whisperer Trainers. They are seeking to ensure proper implementation of the SFW/PMAS for the cause of developing more high performing clubs. A botched shake-up attempt will deem unnecessary. It would be very difficult for any Consultant to re-convince, convict, pardon, motivate, convert and change a tarnished club culture. At least not in a sustainable way with multiple interpretation of the principles.

Understanding the Process

The Whisperer’s Independent Consultants are selected to be trained and authorized after registering. They will also send in an up-dated resume and a short statement. This statement is on their perception, understanding and vision for the program and business for themselves.

Early decision to participate at the Academy Consultants level is necessary and wise. This material is proliferating rapidly on a global scale. It creates an increasing demand for soccer/football smart HRD Professional Trainer Entrepreneurs. They are recognized on the website as Whisperer Independent Consultants. And authorized to implement the SFW Academy High Performance Club Development Leadership and PMAS training at the Clubs.

To consistently produce champions, one has to go beyond the currently available, certified competency in any field. Certification/licensing can only be reasonable at the top of the required level needed for competent performance to be expected. Even when the performance expectations are met, study and new forms of applied methodologies will enhance results.

Candidates Wishing to Enter the Academy 

  • Read the Entry Requirements/ prerequisite and Handbook (draft)
  • Complete the Application Steps and send as attachment with CV… to
  • Await an acceptance notice (within 5 days)
  • Successful Candidates will obtain an acceptance notice of admission, containing the relevant self-training material
  • Follow the instructions to become qualified in 2019, and have your profile posted on the Website. No fees charged for 2019 admission 
  • First two fully paid Applicants from each county in 2020 to become qualified, will each receive The Whisperer Soccer/ Football Academic Adventure Fellowships. This is in the form of a total refund of their direct payment, including application fee, hosting fee, e-books, training package, exam fee and certificate.

The SFW Academy Consultants Study Packages Contain the Following Resources:

consultant packageThe Consultants Training Package: An e-copy each of the 100 Principles and the PMAS Workbook. This will be sent to the candidate upon acceptance to the SFW Academy. The Consultants PowerPoint presentation packages. This gives the consultants training in sequence with the customer club training presentation from the Academy in editable format. It explains the specific levels, roles and functions of the Consultants. They will successfully complete all requirements along with the open book examination for Certification to represent the SFW Brand. Then their face page profile will be opened and promoted with all other products.

  1. All-Pro – Faculty and Club Development Consultants Self -Training Packages (4 PowerPoint presentations)
  2. Pro 1 – Club Development PMAS Leadership Consultants Training Packages (3 PowerPoint presentations)
  3. Pro 2 – Club Development Technical Consultants Training Packages (2 PowerPoint presentations)
  4. Pro 3 – Club Development Education Products and Sales Consultants Training Packages (1 PowerPoint presentation)

What will the Consultants be Doing that Can Help the Clubs as well as their Countries in the FIFA Womens World Cup Finals 2019?

All Pro – Faculty and Club Consultants will lead in Advance Club Development Program Design and Training Evaluation. They will take the Academy to the next levels in a sustainable and continuing process. This includes Study, Research and Development (SRD), as well as perform club services at all levels as required.

Pro 1 – Club Development Leadership Consultants for Capacity Building and the High-Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS) will convince and present to club leaders the Soccer/Football Club Development Leadership & Quality Control System as well as lead its implementation.

Pro 2 – Club Development Technical Leadership Consultants operate within the ambit of the Technical Committee. This includes research, evaluation, interviews and Curriculum development at the Club Academies. Facilitate special needs related technical staff training and supply options for decisions within the Manager Coaching domain. The Whisperer trained Technical Leadership Consultants is thoroughly familiar with the 100 Principles but carries his or her own opinion to work.

Consultants Working Directly with Players is Tempting but is Better Contemplated with Joint Caution

There should be limited communication with players unless a direct, specific, time-bounded request is made. If a discussion to conclusion is not achieved and the Manager Coach is available but not informed, to proceed would be in breach of common sense. Depending on the circumstances, the Technical Committee Chairperson or a designate, should be aware of the temporary engagement.

Pro 3 – Club Development Education Product and Sales Consultant is able to present the total Project and convince reluctant club Leaders of its total development benefits. They will introduce the Whisperer’s Leadership Capacity Building Self-quiz, and point Club Leaders to the many other qualitative assessment tools. This is while relating them directly the club’s current high-performance deficits, that they can easily redress. The Pro 3 Consultants by their training, will be able to use straight quotation of the Whisperer Principles for remediation problems haunting the Clubs.

  • Paperbacks can be obtained on sale from this Website or from Amazon. The High-Performance Management & Appraisals System Workbook is needed for active participation in training. However, a blank/unused copy should be Archived by the club, for duplication of the selected tools for continuing club use, as needed. 

Prerequisites and Dynamic Competence

consultingThe ideal Aspiring Faculty and Independent Club Development Consultant will already have presentation skills. They should be a bona fide experienced Training Professional, with sound knowledge of soccer/football. They will have been assessed as our brightest available soccer/football educators, whom we have admitted to the SFW Academy. They will acquire, study and espouse all of the raw materials associated with the Soccer/Football Whisperer High Performance Club Development and Training Presentation Packages.

Each Consultant will bring his/her previous knowledge, skills, and tried-and-proven experiences along with other relevant resource material. This will enable them to quickly analyze, clarify, endorse, build on, change, adjust or replace the given Whisperer Curriculum where needed. This flexibility will improve their chances of satisfying the needs of the client club. Again, it is the Consultants who are responsible for interpreting the principles. They must select the ones that are best related to fulfill the needs of the client.

100 Principles Plus our Assurance of the Consultants Capacity to Deliver

The trained Faculty Consultants are all super qualified. They are able to tailor the course design and do client related schedule adjustment. This helps the flow and convenience of the clubs.

The certified Independent Consultants are encouraged to promote their personal service. They may use personal network, internet marketing and other available online technologies. Apps can be developed in collaboration with the Whisperer project, provided that the traffic is directed to the Whisperer Website. The original Whisperer Core Curriculum source materials must be acquired and used as the central body of work. This is what their SFW Academy Branded Consultancy is based and relied upon.

The reading materials, tools and presentations represent the entire course of the Consultants self-study. This must have precedent as the base of the advanced self-training modules further developed and offered exclusively on the SFW Academy website.


Adjustments to operational procedures, curriculum, methodology, systems and material will be made in response to viable suggestions that are fact based. If there are substantial updates made to the 100 Principles eBook, the subsequent edited e-version will be made available to prior customers. This is for those who made their online purchase within the roll out window January – December 2022, without any additional charge.