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Heads Up Soccer Heads: Club Development Leadership and Quality Control

“Who Needs To Know And What…”

soccer heads

Soccer heads realize that players arrive at most clubs with the physical equipment and ideas gleaned from their different experiences. They rightfully feel ready to make the sacrificial contribution, and for the most part in favor of their own careers. Whatever gave them the confidence to believe in their own capacity to make the team, will need to be investigated and understood by the Club. Especially because they were admitted to the squad for training and development.

Are Soccer/Football Heads Concerned?

Without a proper system of recruitment and induction, the process of club development could be off to an unrecoverable start. How concerned are the Leaders about their own preparation?

The Club must share with the squad all its concerns and expectations for the new season. The President’s address pre-season should set the tone with a carefully constructed delivery. This will reflect the findings and technical plans emitting from the soccer heads Strategic Planning Meeting. 

Without the use of threat, everyone must conclude that there is strength in the authority of the President’s office. And how it works. The informed high performance soccer heads can do this is 15 minutes, with or without the support of technology.

Effective Leadership and Quality Control

The club is a complex organism in addition to being alive and moving. It has its own emotions and sub-groups behavior that can be often uninformed. Consequently, it is sometimes random, inconsistent, and so deleterious to high performance and championship results.

For leadership and quality control to be effective there needs to be a unifying resource of reference (100 Principles Manual). From this, the synergies for success can be developed. The club must be guided on “who needs to know and what.” It will be better able to coordinate its multiplicity of efforts toward the common objectives and final GOAL.

The Soccer Football Whisperer Project represents the starting gate for all soccer heads. It points all clubs in the direction of sustainability of high performances. This seminal work gives the Chairman of the Board a super grip on the club. In conclusion, only then will he or she be able to take full responsibility for its success.