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November 1 is World Soccer Football Day

Press Release For All Media Houses

Friday, November 1 is World Soccer Football Day. To: The Entire Global Soccer Football Family… Sponsors and our Soccer Football Business Partners. 

This is already trending and going viral. Please send it along to all your soccer football friendly contacts on your phones and mailing lists.

This colossal event starts this year and can be celebrated with just a 90-second toast, among football friends, teammates, club members and fans. Of course taking and posting pictures on everyone’s social media accounts will signal a robust start.

There will be lots of time to discuss ideas now how to organize celebrations and fundraising for needy clubs next year. The events will include opportunities for the football family to honor the thousands of unsung heroes who served our world game for 15 years or more, and have made notable contributions.

The football family must eventually include FIFA, the Confederations, Country FF, Local FAs, Clubs, Retired Referees, other notable Officials, Sponsors, Players incapacitated during games, and Special Fans.

The event is anonymous and open to anyone wit goodwill towards the game, but will have a host next year, beginning January 31, 2020 at: There you can post your 2019 pics and make known you plans for next year. You will be alerted with a shortened link before then. Have fun; it’s a New Dawn!. From A Voice In The Crowd