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Press Release Up-Date: World Soccer Football Day Nov. 1

PRESS RELEASE TO THE GLOBAL SOCCER FOOTBALL FAMILY…WORLD SOCCER FOOTBALL DAY IS NOVEMBER 1                                                                             

And the celebrations are now continuing throughout November. This resolution is PASSED, as the positive responses have gone viral; please send it along to all the relevant contacts on your phones and mailing lists. 

November 1 is now World Soccer Football Day. This colossal event will have a sober start this year as most will be marking the occasion with just a 90-second toast, by the raising of water bottles among soccer/football friends, teammates, club members and fans. Of course, the taking and posting pictures on everyone’s social media accounts will signal a good permanent start…and yes, the hoopla Has begun; hundreds of pictures are coming in!

We anticipate thousands more over the next 12 days, and hundreds of thousands beyond November 1. Please also post to your social media accounts timelines.

We already know there are some fans that will not take this sitting down; as with twelve days to go, there is enough time to step up from the ad hoc, to the substantial, and even to the formal. It’s a laisser-faire and stress-less, adult driven event, and plans must be safety conscious. All participation must be by freewill, as the evidence of forethought.

There will be lots of time to discuss ideas on how to organize celebrations and self-help fundraising by needy clubs next year. The events must include opportunities for the football family to honor the thousands of unsung heroes who serve football over 15 years and made notable contributions.

A group of 5 honoring the game, and or a deserving soccer football acquaintance, is a big success for Soccer Football Day in 2019 But the soccer/football family and leaders must eventually include honoring the contributions of the administrative champions at FIFA, its Confederations, Country FF, Local FAs, Clubs, Retired Referees, their Trainers Association Officials, other notable Officials, Sponsors, Players who were permanently incapacitated during games, and special fans.

The event is anonymous but will have a file of records Website host next year, beginning January 31, 2020, at: There you can post your 2019 pics and make known your plans for year 2020. You will be alerted with a shortened link before then. Have fun; it’s a New Dawn! Feel free to celebrate your chosen soccer/football heroes. It is a personal or a club decision. We have selected and started on November 1, four years ago; many have elaborated their events as their importance become more heartfelt.  You and your social groups only need to plan, or just have an impromptu toast and posts on the media of your choice to begin with.

  • You can also honor your past and current sponsors with tokens and a toast on World Soccer Football Day November 1
  • Send us 3 Pictures, and or a 3-minute narrated, or subtitled video of your event, with a one-page write-up on any honoree(S) To:, or to:  Posting will be free.  A contribution of any amount is optional – through PayPal toward advertising to fully establish this soccer/football event.
  • Get ‘A World Soccer Day T Shirt’ for 19.99 USD to pull over for the photo occasion at:
  • Echo Of A Voice In The Crowd – This will be the start of our yearly SFW World Soccer Football Day Online Magazine – several football scholars will be vying to publish annual state of the game reviews and scientific advancements in football. World Soccer Football News of the Year will feature everything from the gains and the controversies to the rising stars and fading ideologies… big times ahead!
  • Club Leaders, Manager Coaches, Sponsors, Players and Fans dig here for golden goals: