
All Pro Faculty Consultant Package

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $49.99.

SFW ACADEMY ALL PRO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED FACULTY CONSULTANT ENTREPRENEURS PRE-QUALIFICATIONS: Prior trained and experienced soccer/football educators with a background in TWO of the following areas…club administration, management, coaching, refereeing, or playing at the professional or international level, with at least a 15 post-graduate credits towards the Masters’ Degree in a  HR Development related discipline.


1. Project Materials Development Editors – do further field testing and upgrading of tools, books, and training materials
2. Provide Tutorage to Academy Registrants
3. Develop and Implement new advanced needs-related training curriculum for Pro 1, 2 and 3 Consultants
4. Develop rubrics and implement curriculum to treat under-served needs-related issues at clubs
5. Introduce Innovations as Partners in Whisperer Related Product Enhancements


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