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Purpose and Deliverables of the Soccer Football Whisperer Project


Who Need these Goods and Services?                                                                                                             Anyone who ever felt the need to  call for a  Manager/ Coaches  Association cum union,  to  extend their role into advocacy on behalf of their members will continue  to remain answerless without a legal framework supported by strong human relations management best practices, and applied evidence-based soccer/football performance science.

More importantly though, is the buy-in and use of the  SFW high performance tools designed for honing a facilitating a culture of due process and fair play in handling personnel matters within the clubs and the soccer/football family…without which, there will only be miniscule motion in the that direction.

Its a new dawn and the gate is now opened wider for clubs to brake the fresh and fertile Whisperer grounds to allow the application of technical information to be managed within the Clubs’ honed and guided curriculum. If there was a special MU brewed beer, no staff would be allowed to wonder into the plant, go in and meddle with the recipe or change the menu with negative market effect, and be allowed to continue doing so ….

But the often times sudden, premature, unjustifiable and arbitrary termination of the services of  soccer football manager/coaches has been a very worrying problem within the community of the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA). For decades the Human Resource Relations Management practices at soccer/football clubs have slowly outlived its relevance where it existed, inadvertently facilitating havoc in personnel relationship at some professional, but mostly armature Clubs around the world. The ciaos has now become  so acceptable, that very little consideration has hitherto been given to developing  evidence-based, proactive high-performance, interactive solutions to what is a serious career killer, affecting many of our soccer football family members. Until now many clubs assume that retarded progress  at Clubs must be the Manager Coach’s faults and failures and no one else’s, as the position often works alone in a cloudy atmosphere of the exclusion of brilliance and  high performance information, not easily found in one spot…such as this! The sport of soccer/football generates great returns on investment, but is operated in a culture unlike any other big business. It appears that not too many reasonable and well-established policies are guarantee within those unseen contracts, to support a legal due process that ensures  the contracted Manager/Coach or full time employee are supported  to be secured in their position with clear and just performance related causes stated for removing the manager coach or staff from tenured or contracted positions.

Is it unreasonable that manager coaches who do not win in two seasons should be replaced without consideration and adjustments made by the Clubs to institutionalize an accurate, sustainable curriculum to advance their learning environment, and support the  high performance of staff and players. This current poverty in the status quo of human resource management still persists and  is evident, even when the financial affairs of some guilty Clubs are in good health for allowing the necessary culture changes to take place for the better.

There is an abundance of clubs in need of guidance in implementing a science-based Performance Management and Appraisal System that can establish measured performance quality benchmarks , for Clubs Leaders to support manager/coach and team performance improvement, and as a consequence, just causes for termination when there is failure to deliver as agreed.

Of course a proper system would advocate the followed up with an appeal and review process, ensuring ample representation that can match the overwhelming odds that are in favor of the Club over the common law right of the Manager/Coach.

The main reason for the problem to have existed for so long is that the clubs leaders were never properly introduced, trained, and provided with tools for them to confidently carry through this sensitive and vital responsibility of implementing and conducting a Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS). A PMAS is taken for granted as a Human Resource Relation Management best practice in all legal organizations and businesses everywhere else in the free world.

Very little conversations are taking place about this issue as the Manager Coaches walk away without any apparent recourse, which in the opinion of the Whisperer leaves the clubs in a state of decay and frequently seeking a fresh start with the same engine but a new driver.

Our business will solve this problem by providing the training, tools and system that will equip all soccer/football clubs leaders, manager/coaches, staff and players to participate and benefit from the High Performance Soccer/Football curriculum that comes with our unique, highly demanded Soccer/Football Whisperer High Performance  Academy e-Learning Package for enhancement, quality control and sustainability.

THE PROJECT  includes the following e-books that are available now, with the Academy Consultants Training Package  to come!:

– BOOK 1 – THE PRELUDE to 100 Principles for High Performance Soccer Football(free)

Books 2 and 3 will also be available in hard copies…  available soon, as well as the following:

  1. THE SOCCER/FOOTBALL WHISPERER e-LEARNING ACADEMY  along with the Registration Process for High Performance Clubs Consultants Application,  Training  and Certification
  2. THE REGISTER OF SFW ACADEMY CERTIFIED CONSULTANTS – Pro 1 , Pro 2 and Pro 3View Profiles of the qualified Whisperer Club Consultants on this Website
  3. SFW ACADEMY CONSULTANTS E- LEARNING & CLUB LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PACKAGE – with links to exams for  the three levels of certification and includes the following study material products:  
  • Whisperer Club Development Consultants Self -Training and Trainer of Trainers Presentations (PP Pro 1)
  • High Performance Club Leadership Capacity Diagnostic Review and PMAS Associate Consultant Facilitators’ Self -Training and Training of Clubs Leaders Materials and Presentations (PP Pro 2)
  • Club Development High Performance Intervention  Specialist Self-Training Presentation (PP Pro 3)

The Pro 1 Package will include all the presentations for Pro 1 through 3. and the Pro 2 Package will include the Presentation for Pro 2 and 3 to establish an hierarchy for further top down continuing training support by the Consultants and the Associates.

  • RELATED SOCCERFOOTBALL WHISPERER BRAND PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE – Provisional Licenses and Patent Pending for the following Soccer Football Educational, Safety and High Performance Support Equipment available 2018.

SFW Line of Related Products Developed or Branded to be available 2018:

  • Soccer Football Whisperer High Performance Skill Fixation & Youth  Learning Motivation Incentive Kit
  • Soccer Football Whisperer High Performance Gladiator Leg Guard
  • Soccer Football Whisperer Gladiator Crotch Guard
  • Soccer Football Whisperer Gladiator Pre-Season Weighted Training Boots
  • Soccer Football Whisperer Gladiator Strike-Plated Tongue Boots
  • Soccer Football Whisperer Gladiator Shock-Minimizer Heading Bands
  • Soccer Football Whisperer Sanitary Environment Disposable Gladiator Pocket
  • Soccer Football Whisperer Gladiator Goal Keeper Leather Helmet and  Shoulder Pads