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Soccer Club Leaders and the Winds of Change

Before anyone changes direction, attitude or perspective, their present status quo must be clear and unacceptable to them before they can move in an orderly and motivated manner, related to objectives for reaching their final destination.

Clubs Leaders who are fortunate to be aware of the Whisperer’s Project would be remiss not to call a special meeting or to allow the next schedule meeting of the board to take place, before circulating the book “100 Principles for High Performance Soccer Football Club Development Leadership, Coaching and Quality Control” manual.

This seminal work is unavoidable, opportune and urgent. It must be immediately placed before the decision makers at all clubs across all levels of the game, everywhere. It is already on its way to becoming as pervasive as the PC itself, with a marketing funnel that begins at 1.29 USD per Principle, which anyone leading the club can access on a needs related basis.

Good, but why do Clubs have to respond with such great urgency? Well, it is a fact that even clubs that have just won the league is still having recurrent issues, and not quite sure how they won. In such cases the plan is to replicate the last or best season again, by using the same payers and system without the scientific evidence of high performance that will always work even against tougher opponents going forward.

The manual seeks to extend the high performance leadership capacity of the board and senior staff for transference of a principle based curriculum to the club, which demands and allows the use of the 74 new Whisperer qualitative performance tools to sure up the effectiveness of the club and team.

After a World Cup it normally evokes and inspires the forceful need for higher performance. The last one, although great by the end, has caused questions to be raised about the status of leadership at the clubs. The table talk is now about underperformance and the capacity of managers with the best players, to close their own information deficits to prepare high performance teams. Stay tuned to the Soccer Football Whisperer You Tube Channel.
