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Soccer Players Acquisition Decision Planning for ROI

The trying deliberations by board members and the Technical Committee to decide on the true (monetary or otherwise) value of players being recruited or purchased can now be shifted from a nightmare to a more realistic dream. Planning is required with the possibility of developing formulas to determine and standardize reasonable value or market/purchase prices, in contemplating to make cost-effective decisions when acquiring new players.

Younger players being recruited for development can be tested-in where their prior Files of Record are incomplete. Also the coming of the Whisperer’s Player Performance tools can become  the Profiler that will allow easy upload of authentic standardized  performance statistics of free players’ performances, to facilitate their own recruitment and career development process.

The Technical Committee will lead in collecting data  for making the final decision. but the complexity of business and  the economics of ROI must be contemplated by competent others, but not to the total preclusion of board members who are always free to comment at any time, on any matters of concern for the club.

The SFW performance measuring system and tools can be the tie breaker in making the necessary long term prognosis on player performance for valuing players, and so deserve to be part of the ROI discussion prior to the club doing business. Recruitment and ROI questions for the Prospecting Club can be review in Figure 1.1 – Recruitment & Returns on Player Investment Discussion Prompter:

1. What is needed in the ranks/club that is lacking within the capacity of the current roster, that a couple of our young players could not provide/deliver, Are these things un-coachable or patiently unattainable within our given time frame?
2. What are the club’s criteria for player purchase selection?  Is the committee clear the top  five  performance expectations from the intended acquisition, which they can match to fill the needs identified?
3. What factors in the payer’s background and recent competitive playing environment indicate with certainty his competence and true market value?
4. Is this player on par with the top two players from the present roster?
5. Is the player worth the cost when compared with others of equal abilities
6. Based on age, health, injury history and assessed capacity to improve, will this
acquisition be safe, long term and worthwhile?
7. Will the player and his personality be a good match for a defined position(s), role and required impact on gate receipts?
8. Are there other urgent or unlikely unbudgeted needs that may become necessary to support the continuing success of this acquisition?
9. What is the reasonable (maximum available amount for getting all the new players?
10. How, and in what period is the ROI expected to mature on this expenditure?
11. Revisit business and development plan to determine and answer: what impact the pending expenditure will have on the club’s priority projects and overall development strategy?
12. What are the assessed depreciation schedule, maintenance (salary, medical and insurance)cost schedule on the asset, and what positive psychological gains such as leadership, social and economic facilitation in expanding fan base, performance and motivation effect on the players and the club, can be reasonably expected?
13. What are the contingencies and backups for catastrophic failure (major injury) or inordinate delays in the schedule for the transaction coming to satisfactory fruition?
14. Is the acquisition insurable, and at what cost?
15. Discuss player value and have the Tech Committee score Key Performance Indicators from tapes, prior to selection for negotiation and signing.

*Discussion Notes from 100 Principles etc.