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Soccer Youth Programming and Impact Potential

While youth and age group coaches are already mindful of the importance of free-flow for enjoyment in practice, it is important for them to quickly accept that the timely imposition of precision is of eminent value to the core of the  conceptual philosophy of   the SFW Club Leadership  Academy. It is a  relatively new  program    development approach, and can only add to the enjoyment and build competitive passion. How much fun can be extracted if your tennis partner is unable to return the ball to maintain a rally? So the tools such as found in the Whisperer  skill ‘fixation’ system and others areas of the Project, will of necessity become strong permanent features on the rubrics of all the football academies.

So, with the Whisperer’s principles raising the bar to new and higher performance baseline in all areas of the clubs, supported by this single source, the question will be raised about the sameness effect of these Principles on the run of play, and whether counter measures will come along to nullify their (the principles) effectiveness. But sameness is a non-issue, as the constantly changing proposals within each play will still force the unexpected to frequently intervene within the dynamics. With all clubs improving, more exceptional skills will be forced to the surface, and the young players will shine even brighter to thrill the fans.

The Whisperer prepared clubs, coaching staff and teams will do increasingly better in their games going forward. As the performance management processes become entrenched, it is anticipated that there will be a wide spread growth spurt in the development of higher performance of the game at all levels. It will be difficult to accurately predict the long term influence and impact on the professionalism at the clubs, influenced by this seminal work. Many issues will be taking a positive turn as the material sparks and synergizes new thinking about the replication of high performance in the game… the primary concern of Clubs

The concepts of coordinated attack planning and the scoring of the Whisperer’s coaches’ goals will bring more exciting action to the goal area, and teams will need to consider outscoring opponents as the current psychological goal cushion-of-comfort will move subconsciously from two goals to three as attacking discipline improves.

Many of the notions and statements within the book will demand a double take by the skeptical and for the curious,  lightning rods of discussion prompters, more so on topics that are inconclusive. But whatever the conclusions may be, the basic ideas from which the big discussion prompters  have germinated, will certainly perpetuate  ferocious arguments around the many different interpretations that football scholars are surely to take on this material. And this is desirable going forward, as Clubs should re-think, alter, tweak, redesign or trash whatever principles do not fit in with their prior tried and proven approaches, anticipated results, conviction, or perceived program needs. The new agenda will be difficult to shun,

Clubs being initially un-aware of the book “100 Principles for High Performance Soccer/Football Club Leadership and Quality Control” can be temporarily excused, since it is the responsibility of the Whisperer’s organization to reach them all. But not reading the entire volume after its discovery will prove to be a major global embarrassment for anyone leading, managing, coaching, playing, or have a vested interest in soccer/football.

It would be needlessly irresponsible for Club leaders to miss out on these capacity building opportunities, where people are invited to continue watching the game essentially as the honored guests….

It is anticipated that some of the Principles will initiate powerful, radical changes as well as resistance of equal strength. Some may not hold as presented, but their adjustment or substitution will speed clubs along the route to higher performance and success. It must be conceded forthwith that some principles are expected to serve better as discussion prompters, but they cannot be rubbished, as they will become the point of critical departure  for any interested party to discover more new ways to improve the game. it is reasonable to anticipate action that will  stabilize training at all levels of the organization and will inform on the game in a way that facilitates the advance of new technologies to improve the management, coaching and playing of the game.

Surely, there can be no doubt about the culture changing impact potential and the immense value of the S/F Whisperer’s  Performance Management and Appraisal System (SFW-PMAS), supported by the performance measuring, assessment and remediation tools, and that they will prevail in the times to come.

Once there is full appreciation of the importance of the Principles, the soccer/football community will want to accept and utilize the Wilguard Whisperer  Brand  for supporting the enhancement of high quality performance  using its non-pharmaceutical products, to be offered  by the Manufacturing Division of the Project in 2018.