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Sweet Tweets and Hot New Ideas Trending in Soccer for World Cup 2018 and Beyond

Top of the List: Club Development Leadership, Performance Management and Quality Control

Would things get any better if clubs should institutionalize systems to get what is needed for developing, replicating and sustaining high performance? Does anyone else sense that the Club Leaders, more so than their Manager Coaches, are failing the take responsibility for results? Should the Club Leadership be implicated when their best products/players turn up flawed at the World Cup, to represent their countries on the big stage of fright ?

This question is not implying that the games at the World Cup will be any less exciting, but certainly, soccer/football connoisseurs are hoping that the games can be delivered at a higher standard of performance… with more end to end goals, is spite of dramatic defending, and goal keeping which by the way, is at its best ever going into a World Cup.

And if this is so, what are we going to use to demonstrate that standards we are asking for? It surely cannot be measured by “winning the league”, as often leagues are won by default, as various champions of top leagues can be reviewed qualitatively and compared as cheese to chalk, from year to year. So let us agree that there is a great dilemma of high performance discrepancy around the world.
Starting now, we all have access to the opportunity to study and close this gap of high performance information deficit.

A few years beyond the Masters’ degree, those with an academic message to deliver will want to be called Doctor, and to be reassured that the defense of their thesis is sound and accepted at the highest level. But after been heavily invested in the Institution to the point of residency, a candidate’s doctoral project proposal, in Football Educational Leadership Curriculum Development, intended to thoroughly explore the leading paragraph above, is rejected. The story indicates that more seminal works are required in this field.

This conclusion can be supported by the simple reason that University is not able to find the appropriately qualified faculty to guide and supervise such a project. So the enterprising candidate has only two options of intelligence are left open; one, withdraw from the program and register elsewhere, or two, complete the Project as a private effort and monetize it. We are confident that the world game will benefit greatly from the ensuing effort that has delivered the second option.

… I came across the Website by accident; I could hardly believe that something like this existed and wondered to myself if anyone at the top clubs ever took the time to check it out. This Website has to be the talk of the town. It represents the true turning point for strong leadership at all clubs that have readers who are interested in high performance!

… OMG! The Soccer Football Whisperer is already a Legend… I came to this conclusion after 5 minutes on the home page. Nothing near to this exists anywhere. Did you see it yet? I just stopped and sent the manual to my Club. Honestly, I don’t know where in hell my season’s ticket is; but I going to find it to see what they will do now!

… The World Cup is here, but I doubt if we will learn anything new after reading these mind blowing, culture changing Principles from the Whisperer

…if the Club , their Coaching Associations and Academies fail to expand their curriculum offerings into the areas opened up by the Whisperer Principles, the game will be seriously rivalled by other sports in the near future, as the Clubs continue to depend on purchasing the individual player, and the super Manager/ Coach.

… I am convinced that Clubs operating outside of the boundaries of these new Whisperer Principles, will not only remain frustrated but will regress rapidly into the doldrums, as others advance towards high performance as guided by the Soccer Football Whisperer. My ONE submission to Club Leaders: Read or Resign now!

… I have heard about a lot of Soccer Football Associations, Academies, and Individual enterprises offering training for improving the game. But I could not rap my head around what was coming out in terms of the Math and Physics necessary to achieve the stated objectives. As a result, I always thought something was amiss. None of the Clubs in the two top leagues that I follow is showing any signs of consistent high performance, as can be assured by the Soccer Football Whisperer Project.

…It is disconcerting that the Clubs don’t know enough to recognize early when they are not serving in programming or are being underserved by staff at all levels. Club leadership with lack of information on the indicators of high performance, cannot possibly guarantee success or its sustainability.

…If there was nothing to discuss or disagree with in the Whisperer High performance Club Leadership Development Manual, I would not be recommending it as a critical training resource for all clubs, bar none.

…and honestly, we are sure our Club is now at a distinct advantage. Two months ago, we had our Board Meeting to discuss the future of the Manager Coach. Coincidently, our main Sponsor attended and she presented the Club with the 100 Principles Book. It was given to her by a Department of her company as a birthday gift, knowing that she was previously an international. Later, the book was reviewed and the Technical Committee met with the Manager/Coach to discuss their problems areas, using the Soccer Football Whisperer Club Development Leadership Manual. Since then, our Club, Staff, Team and Players have never been the same… we thought we did not have the coaching staff, the team or players…but truly now, with the Whisperer Project it is indeed a New Dawn!