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The Soccer Club Has Been Provided With “Everything.”

So Why Can’t We Do Better?

Are all the possible resources at the soccer club really in place, and how is that decided… and can we sustain professional, social economical and technical viability, without the Soccer Football Whisperer’s 100 Principles?

No; our soccer club has a hard-core fan base within 3 miles, and there are three times as many casual spectators that would feel better if we won.

Most are located within 30 miles of our home ground, and the Government Census places them in a upper income middle class.

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Soccer Games Viewing – New Evidence Based Principles For Success In High Performance Soccer Coaching

We are using this opportunity to again thank our numerous readers for getting the full 100 Principles Manual. Also, those who are taking advantage of the individual Principles for the remediation of their most urgent concerns. They are reporting consistently positive improvements in their soccer games result.

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How Soccer Has Changed

Discourse on Clubs Weaponizing their Soccer Football Clubs

how soccer has changed

We have to spare the time and space to explain the ‘weaponizing’ as it relates to the game. What could the Soccer Football Whisperer mean by introducing this alarming and inflammatory caption? But this is how soccer has changed and unfortunately, there are no other words.

The game now requires tactical specialization for championship performance. Specialization at the highest level, when consistent, can be deployed as weapons of team destruction.

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