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The Great Soccer Manager Coaches Will Come Storming Back… let’s fix the clubs

100 Principles manual makes it very clear that team preparation for sustaining high performance is not a one man job, so one man (especially Wenger) being fired is not a solution. What the top league and all club leaders, managers and coaches need to do is to take a more studious, principled and business-like human resource development approach to running the clubs, to ensure staff and player advancement for developing the high performance game.

As people development organizations,  clubs must care more about the science of human performance management and quality control. Big corporations would never survive and prosper without strong, authoritative human relations and resource development departments. Hence, they are willing to pay the high cost for this function, and support its influence with training at every level ensure their success is achieved and sustained.

Clubs, and most of them, traditionally function without professional support in human relations, and where they do the focus is on public relations and fund raising. Little on internal customer service development is even contemplated. Often, players of influence will dominate the vacancies created by weak leadership structures with out functional knowledge based layers.

Rampant and arbitrary errors of leadership are still the silent killers of progress at many Clubs. Without a strong, professional Performance Management and Appraisal System with tools to fairly assess qualitative performance, set against internationally accepted benchmarks, steady growth and succession planning is nigh impossible.

So who cares when the Manager Coach can be replaced in the middle of a game?

The Soccer Football Whisperer Project and Academy is opened, and the leadership corps of many Clubs are now gaining instructive guidance to increase their capacity to develop and lead high performing clubs. Purchasing 5 top stars without a Whisperer trained staff, and a system of collective intelligence and social discipline, will still lead to several glorious starts that often will not last into the next season.

The 466 page 100 Principles for High Performance Soccer Football Club Development Leadership [Coaching] and Quality Control manual, is a requirement that allows the best opportunity for leaders to generate professional influence on their clubs. It is a career companion for everyone at the club… including spectators and fans!

Upon implementation of Principles 51-59, clubs can anticipate surprising results within days, provided that their teams are already fit, and have gone through the required level of competitive “pre-formance”.