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The Soccer Club Has Been Provided With “Everything.”

So Why Can’t We Do Better?

Are all the possible resources at the soccer club really in place, and how is that decided… and can we sustain professional, social economical and technical viability, without the Soccer Football Whisperer’s 100 Principles?

No; our soccer club has a hard-core fan base within 3 miles, and there are three times as many casual spectators that would feel better if we won.

Most are located within 30 miles of our home ground, and the Government Census places them in a upper income middle class.

Our grounds at a quarter full, with the usual sub-normal/concessionary gate entry charge, we do better than break even. This occurs frequently as at most of our games we are up to the three quarters full. We have adequate post season fixtures, a culture of physically fit squads and competent players and coaching staff.

Besides, we have a good cadre of respectable past players/role model facilitators, 5 -10 squad players are from our own Academy, a licensed full-time coach, adequate staff and volunteers, balls, the best technical training equipment and other specialist committees.

The nutrition program, medical support and a fully maintained bus are at our disposal. We also have an Academy and host two annual senior and junior camps, conduct regular meetings attended by reliable/long term sponsors and technical advisors.

Yet, we can’t keep the ball out of our goal; we can’t keep our coaches; we can’t fight unless we are about to be “deregulated”. However, we never thought about the Soccer Football Whisperer Project as a viable option for high performance assurance.

What Whisperer social facilitating systems are needed to be in place, and operated by trained staff?

Everyone swears at each other, fire head coaches we just hand-picked, we buy good players, but they don’t improve, we go to church, we have rules, FIFA trains us, we train ourselves, we pay for our players. Even soften the areas on the pitch that we feel are tough on their feet. We support all players who are in committed relationships with their partner of choice…is that any of our business whether or not the team is winning or losing? Do cliques and socio-grams, race or religion create socio-technical antagonism in programming and implementation?

What policies are in place for High Performance Soccer Club Development Leadership Management and Coaching by Principles?

We argue with officials, we dive to get penalties; we get all the cards we can’t afford before the holidays, as they might become more expensive. Our spectators cheer and ‘boo’, at the same time. Fewer are coming to our away games. Some plan their weddings on the same Saturday of the local derby. Players are quiet in meetings, but scuffles breakout in the changing rooms. What is going on without the Football…and who is trained to help coach to take out the “bold f” out of it?

What are we seeing beyond just watching the games?

On the field, the players on the flanks are our fastest, but they never break away at top speed to even force a corner when there is space. But again, no one reciprocates with a ball-sided run for an early cross, or later for far-post cross. When we have one player up for the cross it never comes because the demand for accuracy is greater, and we can’t do it with our low performance mentality.

Pandemonium is an accurate cross, even with one attacker up against three. The goalkeeper can tell when his defenders are going to need help, but the accuracy will not allow them to decide who should, or what kind of help is going to be needed. And if the attacker gets the first touch, their coach will not quite have a ready suggestion but swearing is the only way out for the coach, as the fans will also be swearing in agreement.

Identifying Coaching Needs for Remediation and Reduction of High-Performance Information Deficits

Throw? Our team never ever heard the word in training, without “up” coming after, and only when one of us is sick. We learn from seeing teams on TV using their hands and neither the referee nor any of his assistants is looking. Worse than that, none of our coaches shows any concern when we attack our own team with the throws.

Experienced spectators in my group are tot ally embarrassed when our players are looking around like scared doves, with the ball over head for five minutes, before the self-inflected wound is opened up…hay Coach, “wha’ the rass a gwaan”? What is happening at the training that you don’t want us to see, hear or ask you about, in supervisory tones?

Strong resistance to curriculum support for the soccer club

Previously, this strong resistance to curriculum support from any non-FIFA resource, for remediation in a coaching setting, could be expected if not justified…. This has been so as no single, reliable standard of Principles for bench-marking qualitative performance in soccer/football, was readily available from one dedicated, independent and scientifically reliable source (SFW).

Upon till recently, such material was not available in one convenient space. My guess is that the competent football scholars may have shy away from this potentially reward-less and tiring work, that it took to pull these workable, high-performance constructs of certainty together. They are presented under clear, defining Principles for refining high performance…with all 100 of them in the best place to boot!

The countless pieces of the jigsaw of individual initiatives that the ball game accommodates and can tolerate, made the task more unpalatable. Now, it matters not at this point as the task is completed, albeit, still too astonishing to read, fathom or believe. The customer base is gaining traction and widening across Europe, Asia, USA and India!

Learning from the Brazilians

Now the Brazilians are serious about regaining/maintaining their status at the top, so they are quietly on board. One told me on the phone that they are uncomfortable with the physicality alone, and will not be overlooking, what is, as far as they are concerned, a truly seminal piece work that has been absent, and will better allow all soccer clubs to control their own destinies!

In order to become successful and consistently so, the Club in its totality must learn the new language of the high-performance game. Internalize the concepts, make them into common sense and implement them as measured doses of discipline, in order to win.

Cultures may call the pieces of the puzzle by different names, but when implemented and practiced with sustained, urgent intensity of will, intellect, cooperation, skill fixation and confidence… the champions will always look the better prepared teams, as they go about their business, along the Whisperer’s paths of predictable, sustainable growth and outcome of desired results.

Skills and individual creativity

The excitement will increase as more goals (7 per high performance match) can be expected, with more frequent need for emergency skills and individual creativity. The game will thrive and increase in the new intellectual learning environment that all clubs can now develop…with more head in the game.

It’s a New Dawn. Look at the Soccer Football Whisperer High Performance Consultants Academy Curriculum rubrics and the 100 Principles for High Performance Soccer Football Club Development Leadership [Coaching] and Quality Control Manual for more clubs to engage in the leadership of Champion Club Development activities of certainty such as:

–         Internal Policy Interpretation Review with Whisperer Data Collection Tool

–         Diligent search and use of the best External Consultation for Identification and Remediation of weak, non-functional, ineffective or counterproductive Policies

–         Public Expression Facilitation and Data Collection, Interpretation and Response

–         Spectator Participation in Player, Team and Administration Evaluation

Here are some examples of the 70 plus tools that are available in the SFW Manual


The Club Leaders, their Club Development Influences, Manager/Coaches and all decision-making Senior Staff, should have some self to self, man in the mirror time contemplating and completing this Whisperer Questionnaire designed to bring to their attention, the impending global expansion of their roles at the club, in the wake of the 2018 World Cup.

Everyone involved with the game is anticipating global changes in soccer/football. It begins here and now!

Step 1. Complete the Club Leadership Quiz and reflect on any personal contribution made towards high performance in any department of the club, which would, may, or have impacted a better result at the end of the last season.

Step 2. Read the Introduction and the Table of Content of the Book 100 Principles for High Performance Club Development leadership (Coaching) and Quality Control manual. It is also available free from the SFW Website

Step 3. Prioritize and Investigate Chapters, Principles or Topics that address the well-known areas of concern for the Club…or do what? 

Step 4. Get into action: Have Members read and report on the areas relevant to their portfolio and responsibility for result… or do what?

Step 5. Organize Sector Meetings for Planning the Utilization of the new Valuable High Performance Information Material… or do what?

Step 6. Get Whisperer Consultant or a Club Selected Facilitator for the Strategic Planning Meeting that must take place at all clubs across the Globe in 2018… or do what?

Step 7. Implement the Soccer Football Whisperer Performance Management and Appraisal System at all Clubs in 2019…or do what?

Step 8. Ensure the best prospects for the Soccer Football Whisperer Club Development Academy become registered in 2019 when it is still free.

Step 9. Be conversant with the details of the SFW Project in order to communicate for Club Leadership effectiveness in 2019

Step 10. Return to step 1…. Happy hunting!

More Soccer Club Development Tools for The Leadership

# 2 STAKEHOLDERS EVALUATION OF LEADERSHIP DELIVERABLE QUESTIONNAIRE… start with long standing club members, team representatives, Academy leader, Manager and Coaches, their Association Representatives and only with trusted insiders who are privy to club issues and have positive attitudes and genuine concern

# 3 CONSULTANTS EVALUATION OF LEADERSHIP DELIVERABLE QUESTIONNAIRE … Whisperer trained Faculty and Soccer Club Development Consultants, Manager and Coaches Association Representatives, the Old Grey Foxes, Former and Retired Staff and Players, Parents, Sponsors and Football Association Representatives and Trainers 

Note: The questionnaires may be remastered or further developed by trained competent professionals in relevant specialties.

# 4 PUBLIC PERCEPTION FEEDBACK ON TEAM IMAGE QUESTIONNAIRE … what is the ticket purchasing public thinking about our high-performance effort, and what are we going to do about it with the help of the Soccer Football Whisperer Project and Academy.

The adjectives proposed in this tool are commonly used for describing the team in general stereotypical ways but are structured to focus the respondent within the channels of high performance – Whisperer Assessed High Performing Team Value and carries a finite score to benchmark at your level on the performance preference scale.

1.      User/observer will select the terms, checks the values given and calculate as instructed.

# 5 SOCCER FOOTBALL MVP HIGH PERFORMANCE EVALUATION TOOL … this tool requires practice to develop understanding, dexterity and speed.

1.      Read and internalize all instructions before attempting to use this tool….

2.      Doing the first practice game in slow motion speed on a video may help the user to appreciate the functionality of the tool and cope with the thought process and manual dexterity that will require practice to get real time sped on this tool.

3.      More details for users are available in Principle 13. All Principles are available for 1:59 USD each …but also get the full volumes, others are!