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Who is Reading to Lead the New High Performance Soccer Football Club?

The changing culture of the club leadership is now seeing the acceptance of new levels of responsibilities to do with their own long term participation in the success of the club, as more training and reading becomes available from the private sector.

The Whisperer Project allows the availability of a single source book, with a comprehensive club development leadership curriculum, supported by accurate qualitative performance evaluation tools to reduce information deficit at the Institutions.

Still yet, reading remains one of the major challenges that Soccer Football Cub Leaders have in developing and effectively leading a sustainable high performance club. Now they can simply assign the reading and demand their choice of management reporting documentation from 74 new Whisperer designed high performance club development tools.

Many first division club leaders, managers, coaches, and players all over the world, are still not fully aware of the critical indicators/principles of high performance in their profession. Nor how to identify and implement relevant club strategies or how to measure the causative agents of the desired outcomes that will allow replication of high performance results each season.

Critical gray areas include the value of preparing specialist-delivered corners and throws associated with the setup of the Whisperer’s tactical reception. Not to mention knowledge of the strategic locations on the field of play that are relevant to the coordination of attacks; areas such as the launch-pads, the drop-zone, the back end or strike-plates must become permanent fixture in household jargon at the Club.

The 100 Principles cover these and other unsuspecting areas for the urgent concern of the Club leadership. All Club Leaders, Manager/Coaches and aspiring professionals at the Clubs can now make needs related purchases of the Whisperer Principles as single units, or can link connective Principles in bundles of 5 or more (recommended) by placing each desired Principle to the cart first.

Clubs will then have the tools for the Leaders to measure their entities’ own high performance information deficits. Most important is the Whisperer’s Manager Coach Scripted Interview Template as well as the Coach and Player Evaluation Systems.

The demographics of the global subscribers to the Soccer Football Whisperer Project indicate that active interest in Soccer Football Club Development Leadership and Quality Control is concentrated in the age group 24 – 44 (78%). Not bad for the leaders of the next decade; but what about now?

Currently certified and independent trainers and other established independent football educators are concentrated in the age group 45 – 55 (20%). They also could be oblivious of this Project, or they are apparently satisfied with the curriculum and content of the courses they are now delivering. But as always, wisdom dictates there is always more.

Most damaging to the development of the sport is the non-participation of the decision making group (owners, leaders, managers, and sponsors) in the age group 55 – 75 (2%). This limited population data can be cross confirmed by the extent that Club Leaders are aware of and are willing to seek training for their own professional capacity expansion. Of course, high performance will not develop and be lasting without further study and accurate reading by the Leaders.

Go light your world!